=== Screets Live Chat X === Tags: chat, live chat, help desk, contact, support Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 5.7 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Screets Live Chat is a powerful chat plugin for WordPress. It allows you to speak/chat directly with your visitors on your website. == Description == A powerful tool for chatting with your visitors on your HTML, PHP or WordPress website. = Credits = * Icons: Ionicons - http://ionicons.com == Installation == 1. Upload the zip package directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Changelog == Legend: (+) new feature/improvement, (*) functionality changes, (!) bugfix Version 2.9.5 - 10 March 2021 * Updated WP tested version Version 2.9.4 - 10 March 2021 * Tested with WordPress 5.7 * Increase mobile breakpoint from 450 to 455 Version 2.9.3 - 15 December 2020 * Upgraded Firebase into 8.2.0 which supports new Firebase Realtime Database servers (especially Beta ones) Version 2.9.2 - 4 December 2020 * Added "Realtime database URL" field in realtime options to make compatible with new Firebase update Version 2.9.1 - 28 November 2020 ! Improved security rules for Firebase (update rules with the new one if you face PERMISSION_ERROR in your browser console) Version 2.9.0 - 18 November 2020 * Tested with WordPress 5.6 * Updated security rules to prevent Firebase email notifications (new projects only) * Better instructions to setup Firebase project Version 2.8.8 - 22 September 2020 * Compatible with PHP 7.4 * Tested with WordPress 5.5 Version 2.8.7 - 28 March 2020 * Tested with WordPress 5.4 * Update "update-checker" library into the latest stable version ! Fixed a warning in update-checker library Version 2.8.6 - 4 November 2019 + Added Taiwan Chinese language support (thanks to Myron Pai) + Supports WordPress 5.3 and newer versions + Compatible with PHP 7.3 ! "Hide on mobile devices" option now uses wp_is_mobile function for better compatibility Version 2.8.5 - 16 Jul 2019 + Added "Hide looking at" in general options to help users who have high usage in real-time database ! Now LC uses even less real-time database sources Version 2.8.4 - 26 June 2019 * Now offline form notification emails can be replied to visitor (not site email) ! Chat widget was shown up on different IE versions. Now hidden from all ! Fixed paste issue on reply Version 2.8.3 - 2 January 2019 ! Fixed undefined HTTP_USER_AGENT error ! Fixed conflict with other JWT libraries ! Fixed WPML translating for response times Version 2.8.2 - 30 July 2018 + Added 'default' option to "Always show up on homepage/blog-related pages" to prevent conflicts with "Hide on mobile devices" display option * Downgrade to Firebase 4.13.0 (from 5.2.0) to be compatible with all WP installations ! Fixed saving chat options issue for other user roles like Editor, Author, etc... Version 2.8.1 - 24 July 2018 * Updated Firebase video for new Firebase UI * Added security rules introduction in real-time database options Version 2.8.0 - 18 July 2018 + Added "collector card" + Added "solved" and "not solved" feedback in chat console + Added "show up for logged in WP users only" option + Added "Arabian" translation (thanks to General Satam) * Firebase is updated into 5.2.0 (from 4.8.2) * Removed Christmas background theme ! Fixed appearance issue on vote buttons in chat widget ! Fixed issue on non-latin characters in chat console like Hebrew, Chinese... ! Fixed flash.svg 404 PHP warning ! Fixed missing operator name appearing on other chat notifications where other operators handle in chat console Version 2.7.2 - 16 May 2018 + Added acceptance checkbox into offline form for better GDPR compliance Version 2.7.1 - 14 May 2018 + Made compatible with Screets Docs: https://medium.com/screets + Added "lcx_widget_assets" hook for adding additional styles and scripts for chat widget + Added "send" button to reply box for mobile view * Updated to Firebase 4.13.0 * Updated default.po file with some removed strings * Chat widget height is better for desktop view - Chat widget doesn't load on IE browsers Version 2.7.0 - 20 April 2018 + Added "Hide when all operators are offline" feature in general chat options + Embed your custom fonts directly from chat options for your chat widget. + Added US date format in chat options + Added chat console URL in email notifications + Added "I agree to the privacy policy" checkbox in offline form for EU GDPR compatibility + Added "reset operators data" button in chat console. It is good to delete ex-operators * Load last 100 chats to improve chat console performance. Archive chats to see other ones. * Updated to Firebase 4.12.1 ! Fixed js error appears on fron-end when current chat operator is not exists anymore ! Fixed two times saving options to update chat design ! Fixed unwanted slashes in custom css ! Fixed the issue "except pages" in general options ! Fixed "Options" string translation issue. Now it can be translated ! Fixed Firefox bug on reply box ! Fixed WPML translation issue for unlogged visitors Version 2.6.1 - 22 March 2018 + Multilingual compatibility (WPML and Polylang plugins) + Added "custom css" box in design options directly for chat widget. ! Fixed unexpected popup view in front-end ! Fixed offline form sending issue faced in some WP installations Version 2.6.0 - 15 March 2018 + Better UI for chat box and starter + Working in iframe (improves your page load performance) + Offline form + Show online operators (when online) and recently active operators (when no operator is online) + Now set both horizontal & vertical offsets separately + Visitors can "end chat" + Visitors can vote ended chat (solved / unsolved) + New chat sounds for visitors + Operators see visitors current page url without local domain. It is more clean now (i.e. "https://yourdomain.com/about" will be changed with "/about") * Chats list performance is improved * Go to conversations when a chat deleted automatically * Updated phpscss into 0.7.4 * A chat will be unarchived if visitor sends new message ! Fixed unsupported URL in file_get_contents in some PHP servers ! Fixed saving options error in old PHP versions ! Fixed "chat console" link in top admin bar ! Fixed sending chat logs to wrong email while ending chat - (removed) Pre-chat box Version 2.5.2 - 13 February 2018 ! Fixed saving options in ancient PHP versions 5.4 and newer Version 2.5.1 - 31 January 2018 * Updated console.css file ! Fixed some installation conflicts on real-time database (i.e. resetting case number issue) Version 2.5.0 - 31 January 2018 + Archive chat + Delete chat + Re-join chat when its closed + Online/offline buttons for operators + Now you can set response times by online/offline status + Shows recently active operators to visitors + Edit basic visitor profile info (name, email, etc.) + Convert plain URLs into clickable links in chat messages * Improved compatibility with WP themes & plugins - (Deprecated) Pre-chat height option (now it's calculated automatically). Version 2.4.0 [Major update] - 23 January 2018 + New UI design + Better user authentication + Multiple conversation + Random visitor names + Case numbers + Email transcripts * Updated Firebase into 4.8.2